The Black September Organisation (BSO) was a Palestinian terrorist group active between 1971 and 1974 with profound impacts on Middle Eastern politics and International security. The group's name reflects the Black September conflict and the group's most known attack was on the Munich Olympics where they launched a devastating attack on the Israeli Olympic athletes.
Black September 1970
Black September which contributed largely to the creation of the BSO was a conflict between the Jordanian Government under King Huessin and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO).In 1967, Israel devastated the armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan in the Six-Day War where they destroyed in 6 days nearly the entire airforces of the states. The vast Israeli victory saw Israel quadruple its size occupying the Sinai Penisula, West Bank, Golan Heights and Gaza Strip. Importantly their occupation of the West Bank prompted hundreds of thousands of Palestinians out of the region into neighbouring Jordan. Before the Six-Day…