You Can’t Make Women Happy

Even if you tried

Samuel Tutor
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Julien L on Unsplash
Women are incapable of being happy.


That’s because women with curly hair buy a straightener, women with straight hair buy a tool to curl it.

Women with
dark hair dye it blonde, women with blonde hair dye it dark.

Women with big boobs get a reduction, women with small boobs get implants.

I mean you can’t make that species happy. If they are light-skinned, they
want to get darker. If they are dark skinned they want to get lighter, there is no making
them happy.

If they got eyebrows
they shave them off and draw new ones there is no making that species happy.

If they are not working, they want to be independent and make decisions too. If they are working, they are tired of having to make all these decisions; they want to be taken care of too.



Samuel Tutor
Write A Catalyst

I write about almost everything. I pray/hope that you not only fall in love with my stories but you are also inspired, have a renewed love for info... & humanit

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