How Doctors Try to Get Rid of Their Patients

And you can’t sue them

Samuel Tutor
Write A Catalyst


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
We call it punting in healthcare when you don’t want to deal with the problem because it takes a lot of work and you’re already under a load of pressure.It’s not even because your a bad person as a doctor just that there’s like 10 rocks you’re holding up at work and if you get one more patient you’re worried you might crash out so you offload The Rock(patient) to someone else.What ends up happening with people who have non-specific symptoms, when I say non-specific I mean if you come in and you have headache and you have back pain and fatigue, that could be 500 different conditions.So, in order to properly diagnose this patient takes a lot of work. To do a proper history, a proper physical, to order the correct test without over ordering tests and all these things and also have a good communication line with you. So people are like I’ll punt it, try some ibuprofen and guess what you can’t really sue them because they’re like; there’s back pain and I said it’s musculoskeletal, is it not and they’re technically right but they’re also technically doing a disservice by doing that.



Samuel Tutor
Write A Catalyst

I write about almost everything. I pray/hope that you not only fall in love with my stories but you are also inspired, have a renewed love for info... & humanit

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