The 7 Deadly Sins of Modern Civilisation

From greed to the greatest of all

Harold De Gauche
The Geopolitical Economist


Image by ET (author) + Midjourney
C.S Lewis once that ‘every age has its own outlook. It is specially good at seeing certain truths and specially liable to make certain mistakes.’Hegel saw humanity as passing though different stages as the contradictions that bind our thinking melt away to give birth to ever-greater ever more all-encompassing encapsulations of reality — this being the unfurling of freedom for the philosopher.Every age has its own style and substance and, simultaneously, there is a quintessence that perdures throughout all ages and sits at the heart of what it is to be human.

The following is a survey of the seven deadly sins of our time. You may decide for yourself just how much these truly are oddities of our epoch and just how much they run in saecula saeculorum throughout the whole gamut of human history.

Number One — Essentialism-solipsism — post-truth/my truth

Eminem once sang; ‘I am whatever you say I am’. Twenty years later and the contemporaneous compulsion flips this on its head: I am whatever I say I am; the world is the way I say it is.At root, this is both a species of and essentialism.



Harold De Gauche
The Geopolitical Economist

Writing to make you think; writing to make you unthink.

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