The vision of one’s name emblazoned as an author across a glossy book cover is a fantasy for many on their writing journey.It may be less heady than a neon-lit moniker on a gleaming marquee. Nevertheless, a book cover might signify the pinnacle of having arrived as a writer. Finally, family members and friends may realize writing indeed is a bona fide career path.After all, most people consider a “writer” to be a “published author.” I embarrassingly admit having given scarce thought myself most of my life to the breadth of how writers’ work impacts nearly all aspects of our world.
It is claimed that 81% of Americans want to write a book.¹ Most likely, similar statistics exist throughout the globe. Why not — writing a book is after all simple, right?That only 3% of those who set out to complete a novel finish it is a testament to the substantial challenge of bringing such a dream to fruition.²