3 Key Ways To Improve Storytelling Using The Iceberg Theory

Elevate your writing and add depth by using this theory of omission.

Shelton Rozario
New Writers Welcome


Image by Kamran Abdullayev on
“If you leave out important things or events that you know about, the story is strengthened. If you leave or skip something because you do not know it, the story will be worthless. “ —
We have all come across the ‘less is more’ fashion philosophy at some point in our lives, realizing that sometimes a single item adds more value than numerous other accessories. When I first learnt about the iceberg theory by Ernest Hemingway, it was extremely easy to comprehend and understand because of the above philosophy.It gave me the answer as to why less is more, adding minimalist yet effective details and leaving the hidden meaning for the readers to interpret.

What exactly is the Iceberg Theory? How does it improve Storytelling?

As mentioned earlier, the Iceberg Theory was coined by Hemingway while he was journalist and oftentimes had very little information to work with. By omitting certain details, he believed that the quality of the story can be enhanced, and that the “omitted part would strengthen the story.” ()



Shelton Rozario
New Writers Welcome

English Major, SEO, copywriter and content strategist. Sharing my insights on writing, wellness and contemporary trends.

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