The train jolted on its tracks and Bailey sat up on the bed in the dimly lit cabin. Ethel awoke to Bailey’s movements and massaged her back as she hunched over her knees and took in deep breaths.“Is it the train?”Bailey shook her head and brought a hand to her stomach, “It must be the baby.”The cups on the bedside table clanged against one another and the train wheels galloped against the steel rails. Ethel glanced at the horizon, the sun had yet to rise but its first glare lingered in the horizon like a mirage and the smell of breakfast wafted in from the kitchen car.That set Bailey off, she jumped to her feet, ran with her hand covering her mouth to the toilet, and hurled. Bailey swayed in her drowsiness then, knelt beside the toilet and after hurling all she could hurl she twisted around and laid her back against the handwash basin, one hand remained on the toilet rim in preparation for another round of sudden nausea.Ethel rubbed his eyes and revered his love as she took profound breaths in the bathroom and held herself in the crook between the washbasin and the toilet. The tracks were no longer as smooth as when they left the city and the closer they were to Bailey’s hometown of…