I was recently a guest on , a podcast hosted by who has a wealth of medical knowledge. One of the topics we discussed was supermarket psychology. Did you know that there is a highly profitable dedicated to supermarket layout and the dark psychological art of getting you to spend more than you intended?Remember that time you entered your supermarket only wanting one item, such as milk? From the turnstiles, you navigated the longest distance possible towards the fridges, going up the chocolate bar aisle because it is wider than the other aisles. Along the way, you see lots of yellow or red tickets with amazing bargains. Maybe you picked up a few bargains but resisted the chocolates in the chocolate aisle on your way through. But then you got held up at the register waiting next to an enticing display of candies and chocolates. By the time you get through the checkout, your hands are overloaded with items you didn’t intend to buy. Walking away you realize that many of your purchases would not be part of your normal shop but, hey, they were such bargains, and you deserved that chocolate bar didn’t you?