Why Social Media Scare Me

And why I decided to stop online profiles

Simone Cavagnoli
About Me Stories


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I don’t know if you’ve noticed this too, but I’ve seen a lot more content on social media recently that’s negative and not very edifying. I’m talking about posts, reels, and videos of really young people committing bullying or even crimes.The last one I saw was of a young boy, probably not yet of age (by Italian law), whose profile is based on posting content where he mocks people chosen at random from the people he meets on the street, or female ticket controllers who find him without a valid ticket once he gets on the train. What really stood out to me was seeing his email and phone contacts for “collaborations” in his bio. It seems like he thinks it’s okay to mock and bully people (even film them without consent) just because they happened to run into him.And there are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of these profiles in every country. From what I’ve seen, these people are mostly young folks (though there are also adults) from disadvantaged family backgrounds or with few economic opportunities. In a nutshell, social media is seen as a way to make fun of random people (to cover up their own sense of inferiority due to family and personal struggles) and to make lots of money quickly (under the illusion of being able to get rich fast).



Simone Cavagnoli
About Me Stories

Sociologist and Criminologist, I write about news, society and crimes.

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