The “First Three Minutes” rule that all parents should know
It turns out that there is one important rule — and that is the “first three minutes” rule. Once parents start to follow it, the relationships in their family change in many ways for the better.
The “first three minutes” rule means greeting a child with as much joy as if you were meeting a friend you hadn’t seen in years. And it doesn’t matter if you came back from the store where you were to buy bread or you came home from work or you came back from a business trip.
Generally, everything the child wants to tell you happens in the first few minutes of the meeting. That is why the first minutes are of such great importance.
You will notice immediately a parent who intuitively follow the “first three minutes” rule.
For example, when picking up a child from school, he always crouch down to eye level, hug the child when they meet and tell him how much he missed him or her.While other parents simply hold the child’s hand and talk on the phone to someone.After work, immediately pay full attention to the child.