KomalinCode Like A GirlCrowdStrike Outage: If only Technology could have stayed within limits!Blue screen of death!Jul 223Jul 223
KomalMy Little One Questioned Me About SpiritualityArt of attending to your child’s curiosity!Jul 17Jul 17
KomalinCode Like A GirlNightmares of Becoming a Manager from an Expert EngineerFROM being responsible for writing excellent code TO being accountable for developing people who write excellent code!May 28May 28
KomalinCode Like A GirlPower to Developers by Shifting LeftWe are in an age of reels, where anything lasting more than a month or two gets wiped out of our minds. It is nobody's fault; that is how…Mar 28Mar 28
KomalMissed Promotion! Here is how you can sail and make a strong comeback!Delayed gratification, worth itFeb 10Feb 10