Social Commentary
Depression Generation
What is the chief reason our generation is so depressed?
4 min read
Jul 2, 2024No, honestly there’s a lot to unpack here. Most of which is based on assumed Truths. We enter this world a blank slate. Nothing contains meaning, until we learn through association and believe the “Truth” of things. Cause and effect is taught by nature and everything else must be taught by a nurturing human. The lack of a mentor, mentee relationship or just inadequate parenting will warp our understanding of the Truth.
I never quite understood the medical diagnosis for depression. It seems every year there’s yet another symptom tacked onto the malady’s quark board. Google-bot says Anhedonia is the chief symptom of Depression.Anhedonia: the lack of interest, enjoyment or pleasure from life’s experience.-Google Bot
I’m big on the etymology of things. I like when the origin of a word makes so much sense it makes the very sound of the word resonate better. Depression doesn’t quite cut it. I picture a…