Apprehended in on the grounds that he knowingly allowed i, Pavel Durov denies all allegations.Telegram is a site made up of over . It is so popular that it is even used by the same government that authorised the arrest of its founder, as the French interior ministry still communicates through the platform.French authorities argue that Telegram has been used for nefarious purposes. Their allegations blame Durov directly for criminal activity on the platform that ranges from .Telegram has vowed to and has affirmed to users that their data is secure. Still, its level of encryption is no greater than other major social media companies like Meta. Now that these encryption keys are in Durov’s hands, the Russian government has been due to the usage of Telegram . Reportedly, it is much more preferable to soldiers than state-authorised systems, meaning the data contained within Telegram could be pivotal on an international scale. If Western NATO alliance members have access to this information, it could affect the war in Ukraine.