Edmond ChanThe Happiest Refugee by Anh DoAngelique gave this book to me in May 2014 and it’s taken a lockdown in 2020 for me to read. Sorry Babe!Apr 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020
Edmond ChanHow can we make lockdown a more edifying experience?When I was at uni, I took an Aesthetics class. The Philosophy of Art. I don’t remember much from that course except for a couple of essays…Apr 11, 2020Apr 11, 2020
Edmond ChanCooking more during the lockdownI’m a creature of habit. At home, we eat the same food all the time: a bit of protein always like steak, salmon, fish cakes, some carbs…Apr 10, 2020Apr 10, 2020
Edmond ChanWhat has the lockdown shown us about what’s really important?On one hand, the lockdown has meant enforced self-isolation, grandparents not being able to see their grandkids, people being cooped up in…Apr 9, 2020Apr 9, 2020
Edmond ChanLife in London lockdown and having Covid-19I started working from home on 17th March, and I started showing symptoms of Covid-19 on 19th March. I’d been out shopping that morning…Apr 8, 2020Apr 8, 2020
Edmond Chana letter to my newborn sonjust in case I die, here’s a message to you my son.Feb 23, 2020Feb 23, 2020
Edmond ChanSlow the fuck down. How taking your time a bit more will help you enjoy your day.I’m generally rushing and multitasking most of the time. I want to squeeze in a podcast in the shower, watch self-improvement videos on…Sep 27, 2018Sep 27, 2018
Edmond ChanIs Decred a good project and should you buy Decred DCR?I first heard about Decred from Boxmining’s awesome YouTube channel and I started watching the price when it was around USD 35 around…Jul 25, 20181Jul 25, 20181
Edmond ChaninPredictWhat is the future of mobile phones?I saw this question and I thought I’d try to answer it:Jul 25, 2018Jul 25, 2018