Sabreena COKinBetterismMIDLIFE CRISIS — MYTH, FACT or ?????Midlife crisis? I do not understand why…Sep 25Sep 25
Sabreena COKinBetterismHow can we be happyIERA million-dollar question that stimulates all of us to put on our thinking caps!!!!!May 81May 81
Sabreena COKinBetterismHow to Manipulate the Power of MindGratitude, positivity, manifestation…Apr 31Apr 31
Sabreena COKinILLUMINATIONFood for calories or contentmentDo we live to eat or eat to live??? — A million-dollar question or maybe not.Mar 301Mar 301
Sabreena COKinNew Writers WelcomeWoMEN’s Day — a day to celebrate! ?Oft heard question…..When do we celebrate Men’s day?Mar 213Mar 213
Sabreena COKinRefresh the SoulBlame game — Is it a game worth playingNot a fun game for sureMar 19Mar 19
Sabreena COKBeginner’s jitters…….Each one of us might have experienced it in some point of our life journey, it is inevitable, it is significant, it is positive, it is an…Mar 41Mar 41